




Memory capacity expansion that optimizes cost and performance balancing compute and memory resources intelligently.


使用Compute Express Link™(CXL)的CZ120内存扩展模块使服务器oem能够扩展, 为多种应用程序工作负载集成和扩展内存容量.


Flexibility to compose servers with higher memory capacity and low latency to meet application workload demands with up to 24%1 与仅RDIMM相比,每个核心的内存带宽更大.


更好地利用有限应用程序的计算和内存资源, 降低资本支出和运营成本.

技术支持程序为美光 内存扩展使用CXL

The Technical Enablement Program (TEP) for memory expansion using CXL offers a path into Micron to gain early access to technical information and support, 电学和热学模型, 以及内存沙巴体育结算平台的辅助设计, 开发和引进下一代计算平台.

抽象霓虹灯进入数字技术隧道. 未来的技术抽象背景与线为网络, big data, data center, server, internet, speed. 3D render


数据中心是现代社会的核心.​ It supports a continuum of applications and services, from social networking to medical science. See how Micron is playing a key role in the evolution of the data center to ensure the future can handle the challenges ahead.





CXL (Compute Express Link)是一种高速互连, 用于处理器之间通信的工业标准接口, accelerators, memory, storage, 和其他IO设备.

CXL通过允许可组合性来提高效率, scalability, 以及异构和分布式计算架构的灵活性. CXL允许应用程序在CPU之间共享内存, GPU和FPGA器件可实现可持续性,从而加速计算.

Type 1 ( CXL device

该协议用于设备初始化、连接、枚举和设备发现. 它用于支持CXL的fpga和ipu等设备.io. Type 1设备实现完全一致的缓存,但没有主机管理的设备内存.

Type 2 (CXL.缓存)CXL设备

该协议实现了一个可选的一致缓存和主机管理的设备内存. 典型的应用程序是附加了高带宽内存的设备.

Type 3 (CXL.mem) CXL device

此协议仅用于主机管理的设备内存. 典型的应用程序是作为主机的内存扩展器.

由美光科技于1999年成立, 美光基金会是一家拥有捐赠基金的非经营性私人企业基金会. 它被美国国税局认定为501(c)(3)组织.

沙巴体育安卓版下载美光对CXL对DRAM位增长率影响的看法,请阅读我们的 white paper.

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现代计算体系结构容易出现“内存墙”问题. CXL provides the necessary architecture to bring balance to the compute and memory scaling gap. It creates a new vector to achieve economically viable memory solutions through memory expansion, 影响DRAM位增长率.

Additionally, CXL’s flexible and scalable architecture provides higher utilization and operational efficiency of compute and memory resources to scale-up or scale-out resources based on workload demands.

要了解更多沙巴体育安卓版下载美光对CXL对DRAM位增长率影响的看法,请阅读我们的 white paper.

Modern parallel computer architectures are prone to system bottlenecks that limit performance for application processing. Historically, 这被称为“记忆墙”。, where the rate of improvement in microprocessor performance far exceeds the rate of improvement in DRAM memory speed.

CXL protocol properties for memory-device cohesion and coherency address the memory wall by enabling memory expansion beyond server DIMM slots. CXL memory expansion serves as a two-prong approach by adding bandwidth to overcome the memory wall as well as adding capacity for data-intensive workloads for CXL-enabled servers.

CXL attached memory provides tremendous opportunity for growth in new areas for tiered memory storage and enabling memory scaling independent of CPU cores. CXL将有助于维持较高的DRAM位增长率, 但不要指望CXL会加速DRAM比特的增长. 总体而言,这对DRAM的净增长是有利的.

Micron’s commitment to CXL technology enables customers and suppliers to drive the ecosystem for memory innovation solutions. 了解更多有关美光如何在我们的平台上实现下一代数据中心创新的信息 数据中心解决方案页面.

CXL是一种经济有效的方法, flexible, 和可扩展的架构解决方案,将塑造未来的数据中心. It will change how traditional rack and stack architecture of servers and fabric switches are deployed in the data center.

具有由CPU组成的专用固定资源的专用服务器, memory, network and storage components will give way to these more flexible and scalable architectures. 机架中的服务器-一旦连接到固定的网络资源, storage and compute – will be dynamically composed to meet the demands of modern and emerging workloads such as AI and deep learning. Eventually, 数据中心将迁移到所有服务器元素的完全分解, 包括计算, memory, network, and storage.

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1. MLC带宽采用12通道4800 MT/s RDIMM + 4 × 256GB CZ120 vs. RDIMM only.

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